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How To Lose a Demon in 10 Days

How To Lose a Demon in 10 Days - Saranna DeWylde Picked this one up for free during a promotion. Thank god, because if I'd spent money on it, I'd be genuinely grumpy. As it stands, I'm merely bemused.I managed to make it a page or two into chapter 8. A common thought I had while reading was along the lines of how HARD the author was trying. Total exercise in how the effort to impress the reader with wittiness overrides the story itself. I didn't find it clever, I found it grating in the extreme. The possibility this was destined for DNF-land hit me pretty early on. Its arrival there was assured by a bizarre, nonsensical simile about staring and dung beetles. THEN the heroine gets plastered while confronting her evil ex. Because that's just the thing to do. I seriously can't even.